Deadline: Monthly
The Commonwealth School Enterprise Challenge is a unique international business competition for school students, aiming to identify and reward the social entrepreneurs of tomorrow. Register to become a part of their global community of enterprising schools, win fantastic prizes, and gain access to a range of educational resources that will help students become the business leaders of the future!
About the School Enterprise Challenge blogging competition
Each month during the competition, School Enterprise will be awarding an awesome Teach A Man To Fish goody bag and certificate to the school who produces the best blog. They will also feature the blog on the School Enterprise Challenge Facebook page, so that other students around the world can see your work!
How to enter
- Set up a blog on WordPress.
- Send us an email with your blog address to [email protected]. Please write ‘Blogging Competition’ in the subject heading.
- Update your blog atleast once a month, telling us about your school, your team, and your progress in planning and launching your business. If you need some help writing your blog, have a look at ‘Pack 2: Connect, Communicate, Share’ in our educational resources, or check out the School Enterprise Challenge blog here.
- The winning blog will be announced in the emails and on the School Enterprise Challenge Facebook page each month, so check regularly to see if you’re a winner!
If you are experiencing problems setting up a blog, don’t worry! You can still take part in this competition by emailing your updates to [email protected], or by calling us on +44 (0)20 7263 2306.
For more information, click here.