Deadline: March 31, 2015
The Thailand International Development Cooperation Agency (TICA) invites applications for the Annual International Training Course (AITC) on Early Childhood Health Care Management. This is a 4-week training program designed for professional nurses and other related health care personnel regarding to early childhood health care. It will take place from June 1 – 28, 2015 in Thailand with up to 20 (18 for Foreigners and 2 for Thai) fellowships awarded.
The AITC is organized annually, with fellowships awarded by the Royal Thai Government to participants from more than 50 countries, including Thailand’s neighboring countries, and other countries in Asian region, Pacific, Africa, OAS Member States, FEALAC and CARICOM Member States.
Course Details
Classroom lecture and discussion, sharing experience, individual and group assignments are activities used to gain basic theoretical knowledge and experience on early childhood health and health care management facilitated by the instructors.
Learning by field trips is used to enhance their experiential training. The selected project proposals regarding early childhood health care management are developed by each participant. Self/group reflection is used to identify knowledge and experience gained from this raining course.
On completion of this course, the participants will be able to:
- Increase knowledge and experience relating to early childhood health care system and management
- Gain more skills in early childhood health care management
- Analyze structure and system management of organizations relating to early childhood health care
- Develop and propose a project relating to early childhood health care management for their countries
- Exchange their knowledge and experience, and establish their early childhood health care networks in Asian, African, Latin American, and Pacific Island countries
Allowances and Expenses
The Royal Thai Government will be responsible for the following allowances and expenses:
- An economy class electronic ticket (e-ticket) will be issued to each participant via email.
- Each participant will receive a living allowance of 500 baht per day to cover meals, local transportation and other personal daily expenses. Accommodation will be arranged by the Royal Thai Government and all participants will stay at the same place. It is suggested that each participant should bring some pocket money approximately US$ 100 to cover the expenses before the allowance is paid.
- Minor medical treatment will be provided for participants who become ill during their stay in Thailand.
- The Royal Thai Government will provide transportation for the authorized field trips undertaken as part of the course.
Applicants must:
- be nominated by their respective government
- not be over fifty-five (55) years old at the day of application
- be educated equivalent to bachelor degree of university or technical college
- have at least two (2) years of profession experience in nursing, public health, and other relevant areas relating to child health
- have adequate proficiency in English speaking, reading, writing and listening (the course will be conducted in English)
- be in good health both physically and mentally, and should have a health certificate provided by an authorized physician
This form must be attached together with the Nomination Form. Pregnancy is regarded as a disqualifying condition for participation in the course.
Eligible Countries
- Asia & Middle East: Afghanistan, Jordan, Maldives, Nepal, Palestine, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand
- Oceania (Pacific Islands): Palau, Solomon Island, Micronesia, Samoa, Tonga, and Vanuatu
- Africa: Angola, Burundi, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Gabon, Ghana, Mauritania, South Sudan
- Latin America & others: Belize, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Paraguay, Suriname
Participants are required to observe the following regulations:
- Participants must only stay at the places designated by the Royal Thai Government.
- Participants must strictly attend classes as scheduled and should not change their training subjects.
- Participants must not extend the training period.
- Participants must not bring any family members with them to Thailand.
- Participants must return to their home countries after the course completion (at the date as scheduled by the Royal Thai Government).
- Participants are required to fly only on the route designated by the Royal Thai Government and must not make any alterations. Please also be informed that the maximum allowable baggage that can be loaded on flights is 20 kilograms. Participants will be responsible for any cost incurred in exceeding this limit.
- Participants must observe the rules and regulations of training institute(s).
- Participants must refrain from engaging in political activities, or any form of employment for profit or gain.
For more information, download the module here and visit Annual International Training Course to apply.