Deadline: March 31, 2015
The Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich invites concept notes for the Engineering for Development (E4D) Doctoral Scholarships. The E4D doctoral scholarship programme aims at promoting the development of products or methods, which are directly relevant for improving the livelihoods of poor people in developing countries. The topics have to be of high scientific standards and at the same time aim at direct implementation of the results.
Scholarship Value
ETH Zurich awards two doctoral fellowships per year with an amount of 175’000 CHF each. The scholarships are funded by the Sawiris Foundation for Social Development.
- The entrance requirements for doctoral studies at ETH Zurich have to be fulfilled.
Research project
- – The research topic is innovative and relevant for development.
- – The expected impact for the intended target group is high.
- – The project is conducted with (a) partner(s) in a developing country.
Application Procedure
The candidate has to submit the following to [email protected] until 31 March 2015 latest
- A concept note
- A CV
- Certificates and transcripts
- A letter of support by the supervising ETH professor.
For more information, visit E4D Doctoral Scholarship.