Deadline: March 18, 2016
The PEFC Collaboration Fund seeks to support members and partner organizations in their dedicated efforts to advance sustainable forest management and forest certification around the world. Through the competitive small grants program, PEFC International wishes to extend its support to encourage locally relevant advancements in the sustainable management of forests.
Proposals will be considered for new and independent projects which embody and stand to deliver on the Fund’s objectives through the eligible means. From 2011 to 2015, PEFC awarded over 520,000 CHF to 24 projects through the Fund. Building on a PEFC cornerstone of ‘Think Global – Act Local,’ PEFC is pleased to announce the call for proposals for the 2016 Collaboration Fund.
- Proposals requesting a PEFC Collaboration Fund contribution of up to 40,000 CHF and have a project timeframe up to 2 years will be considered. The fund will support new and additional activities rather than existing, ongoing work and running costs.
- Grantees must provide evidence of at least 35% additional co-funding from other sources within the overall project budget. In kind contributions may exceptionally be accepted as co-funding.
- PEFCC Members, both National Members and International Stakeholder Members, and Members of PEFCC National Members, but also any Non-Profit Organizations are eligible to apply.
- If the lead grantee is not included in one of the three above mentioned “PEFC family member” categories, it is desirable that one of the project partners is.
- Project partners may also include private and public sector organizations.
Get more information on current PEFCC National Members and International Stakeholder Members and how to become part of the PFEC Family.
Proposal Submission
- Download the application form.
- All proposals must be signed by the proponent and submitted to the email address specified below. Signature page can be faxed if necessary. It’s preferable that proposals are submitted in English, but where necessary can be submitted in Spanish or French. Proponents will receive written notice confirming receipt and registration of the proposal via email shortly after the submission deadline.
- The deadline for proposal submission is March 18, 2016 by 17:00 CET. Proposals received after this time will not be considered or issued a confirmation. Final decisions will be announced by June 1, 2016.
- Proposals should be submitted by e-mail to [email protected] or by Fax at +41 22 799 4550
For more information, see PDF or visit PEFC Collaboration Fund.