Deadline: December 25, 2017
Application for the GoUNESCO Internship Program (Jan-June) 2018 is open! The GoUNESCO Internship Program (GIP) is a 6-month global student outreach program that promotes awareness of heritage and culture among young people via fun, educative tasks.
As part of the program, you will be assigned tasks which will make you ex heritage through exploration, research and interaction with people and organizations. Depending on your performance, skills and your area of specialization, you may be assigned to specific teams with additional responsibilities.
This is an unpaid internship.
- There is no out of town travel involved in this internship and interns will not be paid for travel. Offline tasks may involve you visiting heritage sites in your city. All tasks are of either online or offline nature as explained in the first point.
Period of Appointment: 6 months (January through June 2018)
Nature of Work: Online and offline
Time commitment: 7-8 hours a week
- This internship will help you discover heritage – around you and across the world from you.
- Networking opportunity with students from across the world
- The internship offers several leadership opportunities during the course of the internship. Several of our interns stay on and continue as coordinators in later sessions
- Selected candidates who complete the required number of tasks will be awarded an e-Certificate of Appreciation from GoUNESCO
- A great work experience!
- Any undergraduate/postgraduate student, who wants to learn more about heritage is welcome to apply! They have had everyone from students studying law to humanities, to engineering, even heritage studies participate in the past. Whoever you are, this internship will engage you with heritage in interesting, fun ways.
- Applications are welcome from people of all nationalities, genders, ages – they do not discriminate.
- The program is primarily meant for college students but you can choose to join even if you are not one currently.
- Organize a #makeheritagefun activity in your city, follow all instructions and complete all steps including submitting a report after the activity.
Your application is complete only if all the steps below are completed.
- Coordinate and organize a #makeheritagefun activity in your city. Fill the form here and you will receive instructions on your email on how to organize an activity.
- Involve your friends, family and other heritage enthusiasts or organizations from your city to participate on Sunday, the 17th of December. Tip – your chances of getting into the internship are higher if there are more people applying from your city, so encourage your friends to apply for the GoUNESCO Internship Program too!
- At the #makeheritagefun activity, share your experiences (photos/videos/etc) on social media – instagram/facebook/twitter with the #makeheritagefun hashtag. Make sure all participants share too – this is a global campaign – the more shares, better the chance of your activity getting highlighted.
- Important: After coordinating the campaign, write a report (format will be shared) – include details about the heritage location, and more importantly, your experience organizing the #makeheritagefun activity – upload it here. You can add any number of pictures. Write as detailed an article as possible – instead of text, you can upload videos, embed slideshows, videos, etc too. Do not copy from the internet, always credit if you use external images (original source – google is not a source). Deadline: 25th of December.
Got any questions? Email [email protected]
For more information, visit GoUNESCO Internship Program.