Deadline: August 17, 2018
Applications are open for the FEANTSA Youth Study Sessions 2018. The FEANTSA Youth Study Sessions provide an opportunity for young professionals from across Europe to come together to identify key issues in tackling youth homelessness and propose a series of solutions.
The study sessions have led to a growing and dynamic alumni network with membership from across a wide variety of fields including social work, youth work, academics, students, law, architecture, public policy (local and national civil services), NGOs and others. The past study sessions have focused on taking a human rights approach to preventing youth homelessness while also developing and implementing an advocacy strategy aimed at raising awareness for youth homelessness among policy makers.
The 2018 FEANTSA Youth Study Session will focus on the idea of Homeless Rights as Social Rights. Human Rights-based approaches to tackling homelessness are advocated by numerous international bodies, such as the United Nations. As the profile of those working directly with the homeless are generally social workers who don’t always have a human rights background, this study session acts as a unique learning opportunity to strengthen the homeless sector’s awareness of human rights-based approaches and how it can be implemented in their service.
- Travel, accommodation and meal costs will be covered by the Council of Europe; a €50 registration fee will be charged for participants, this will be deducted from the travel expenses reimbursement
- Open to anyone who is under 30 years old, some places are available for participants 30+;
- Living in a Council of Europe member state;
- Working with young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness;
- Experienced in homelessness and/or human rights-based approaches to social issues and is looking to build on that knowledge and apply it in a context for youth;
- Able to communicate in English
- Enthusiastic, energetic and prepared to engage in non-formal education;
- Willing to commit yourself after the study session in order to plan and carry out coordinated work together with other participants
- In addition to the above criteria, applications are particularly encouraged from:
- Non-European Union Countries, while also a Council of Europe Member State
- Applicants working with/for a local authority, municipality or city.
For more information, visit FEANTSA Youth Study Sessions.