3 out of every 5 young African is unemployed, underemployed and on the lookout for opportunities to ‘hammer’ outside the continent. You are probably one out of the three or know someone who is.
7 out of 10 young people across the globe are currently using their smart phones to look for opportunities seemingly beyond their reach. 1 out of every 10 will be lucky, the remaining 90% will give up at some point because of age restrictions, fear of rejection and other factors. Are you among the 90% about to give up? I have a gift for you.
The leading cause of unhappiness in individuals over sixty has been found to be regret. Regrets for opportunities not grasped, risks not taken and time not spent wisely. Many wish they could go back in time to do the things they had set out to do when they were younger. Will you end up in that statistic? I hope not! Let me help you.
I’ll cut straight to the chase. You need to read this. Your life DEPENDS on it! Literally!
For five? No! Seven? No! Ten? Yes! Ten years. For ten years, I have worked everyday, in harmattan and rainy seasons, from Nigeria and from other countries across the globe, to promote global opportunities for young people.
In 2012, I founded Opportunity Desk and in the last 9 months (January – September 2018 according to Google Analytics), we have connected over one million (1,406,035) people with opportunities globally. Yes, you read that right.
That should be enough, shouldn’t it? Hey! I thought so, too. But young people won’t let me rest.
There are still many more opportunities waiting to be grabbed and young people are sleeping. Even you! Sleeping on a moving bicycle.
Damn! What were you thinking?
Despite all we have done at Opportunity Desk or I should say, because of what we have done, I meet thousands of young people who believe I have the answer to many of their burning questions. It’s for these geniuses I wrote this book. Yes, I wrote it for you.
Before you jump at the book, ask yourself the following questions:
- Am I ready to be a global champion? If your dream is to be king of your street, please waka pass. To the left! To the left! (in Beyoncé’s voice).
- Am I ready to do great things and impact my communities at home and abroad? If you want to earn just enough money to feed your small family, please stop reading already. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
- Am I ready to fulfil my wildest dreams? If you don’t even have a dream, please come back when you do. This gift is not for you.
If you are still reading, I assume you answered Yes! Yes! Yes! to my questions. Congratulations!
If you had the opportunity to ask me all your burning questions in one hour – yes, 60 full minutes – will you take it?
Great! You deserve my gift and bonuses.
If I gave you a list of over 100 grants and scholarships available every year, will you take it? Yes?
Will you apply for some of these opportunities? Yes?
Great! You are ready.
Before we proceed, let me tell you what people have said about this gift I am about to give you:
“The book, Go Global with Opportunities, is a masterpiece. Simple butclassic. Reading it has opened my eyes to some simple but powerful successprinciples that are often neglected by many. The book is a majorcontribution to the success of anyone one who will dare to read and applythe principles that are penned down by the author. It is highlyrecommended.
– Rev. Steve Ogbonna, DeepTouch Ministries (Nigeria)
I know you are itching to get the book already but read this:
“I have watched and followed Grace’s work from 2013 where we both spoke at a TEDx event on our vision for Africa. Grace’s articulation of her story and the Africa she dreamt of was a marvel to listen to. I see now that the same passion is still burning; to build Africa through giving its young people opportunity. Well done, Grace. I am so proud of your work. Let this book touch millions not only in your country and throughout Africa, but also globally as you move us to think beyond limits. I am inspired already.”
– Rabison Shumba, Author, International Speaker, Business Consultant (South Africa)
To be modest, this book is worth well over 1,999 USD because of the information packed therein. However, I have spent the last ten years working with young people and I know how deep our pockets are.
After careful considerations, we decided that 55.5 USD (N19,999) is a worthy investment for this book. But I will be giving it to you a lot less than that. Almost free!
In addition, I will be including the following bonuses:
- One-hour free coaching session with me valued at #17,490 ($49.99) for the first twenty people who order. No matter where you are, you can be part of this.
- Free updates on fresh and unique opportunities available for young people. These are different from the over 100+ opportunities already listed in the book.
- A personal autographed copy for the first fifty orders.
Haha! I can see you smiling. I should have warned you that I am quite generous.
To get these juicy benefits before others do, click HERE.
That’s not all.
If you call me the queen of global opportunities, you are right. I’ll be giving fifty people across the globe the opportunity to make money from my book as. If you will like to earn money from this book, please click HERE now to become an affiliate.
If you are wondering whether to use that pizza money to move from being a local king of boys/slay queen to a world-renown superhero, you should read these:
“Go Global with Opportunities is a reference point and incredible resourcefor young people and individuals across ages seeking new growthopportunities, finding fresh inspiration for their life’s journey ordesirous of maintaining a culture of excellence in their engagement withothers. It aggregates many life experiences, lessons and realities togetherto ensure you are well equipped to go global!”
– Adepeju Jaiyeoba, Social Entrepreneur and Founder, Mother’s Delivery Kit (Nigeria)
And one more:
“Grace is an icon for young people globally. In her new excellently writtenBook, Go Global with Opportunities, she narrates an inspiring journey towards making one’s youth count. A must read for any young person who is keen to make an impact in the world.”
– Jackline Oluoch-Aridi, Ford Program’s East Africa Regional Program Manager (Kenya)
About the Book
Go Global With Opportunities is one-of-a-kind and deals on a subject matter that is new, rarely discussed yet largely sought-after by many, especially young people. It draws on ideas from the author’s personal experiences, work with opportunitydesk.org, conversations with several people and years of research. It targets young people everywhere who are hungry for opportunities and aims to prepare them to go from local to global influencers and champions.
Thank you!