Deadline: July 31, 2013
The Bayer Young Environmental Envoy Program is now inviting eligible university students to participate in the Bayer Young Environmental Envoy (BYEE) Competition 2013.
Thirty students will be selected and appointed Bayer Young Environmental Envoy 2013. Amongst them, the best three envoys will have a chance to join a one-week educational trip to Germany including Bayer’s headquarters and other government agencies in November together with their counterparts from other 19 countries worldwide during November 10-15, 2013.
The three winners will be individually awarded a funding of THB 10,000 while the other three runners-up will each receive THB 5,000 in order to carry out the winning projects in their communities.
In partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the program aims to enhance roles of Thai youths in environmental protection as well as to provide them an opportunity of learning the inter-relationship between environment and development on both national and international perspectives. Their experiences and efforts are precious treasures that can help promote environmental awareness among Thai people and their respective communities.
- Thai youngsters up to 25 years old (at the closing date of July 31, 2013)
- Undergraduate students or equivalent
- Keen interest and background in environmental activities, strong leadership, assertiveness, and ability to carry out the role of Bayer Young Environmental Envoy with the aim of sharing knowledge and experience with others
For more information, click here.