The purpose of the award is to recognize online volunteers’ contributions towards achieving the MDGs, to showcase the many ways in which online volunteers can strengthen the capacities of organizations and to demonstrate the difference volunteers can make to peace and development projects by sharing their time, skills and expertise over the Internet.
- The award will be given to ONLINE VOLUNTEERS or TEAMS OF ONLINE VOLUNTEERS, who supported an organization working for peace and development over the Internet.
- The online collaboration must date back less than two years and must have been facilitated through the UNV Online Volunteering service.
The jury will review the nominations and select the 10 winners based on the following criteria:
- Online volunteers’ commitment and contribution
- Collaboration between the volunteers and the organization
- Result of the collaboration and impact on the organization’s activities
In the run up to International Volunteer Day (IVD) on 5 December, UNV will invite the global public to vote for their favourite winner. The volunteer or team that gets the most votes will be announced as the public’s favourite on IVD.
Your experience may inspire others and thus help mobilize more volunteers to engage in peace and development activities over the Internet, or encourage more organizations to strengthen their efforts by tapping into the rich resource that online volunteers provide. Also, by submitting your nomination, you express your appreciation to your volunteers or fellow online volunteers for a successful online collaboration.
For more information, click here.