Some incredible young African students led by 18 year old Nnamdi Ekwe Ekwe have taken the initiative to create and launch a global magazine for African Youth called “Butterfly Africa”.
Butterfly Africa is a global magazine for African youth that captures the change being made by young Africans all over the continent and diaspora. The magazine aims to inspire young Africans to make their own contribution and advance this continent.
“We got slightly tired of seeing our continent in a negative light all the time, so, we decided to do something about it.” We recognize that “small actions” (like the flapping of a butterfly’s wings) can create seismic change.” says Nnamdi.
Butterfly Africa wants to remind the world that great change can come from small, intentional and sustained actions. It offers an opportunity; to view an alternative perspective on Africa and to correct misconceptions; to highlight the many accomplishments and achievements occurring on the continent of Africa so that more people can be encouraged to take control of their own lives, dream dreams and pursue their goals, no matter how hopeless they are told the situation is.
Butterfly Africa will be releasing their next issue in December and is looking for all sorts of varied contributions to this next edition! They launched globally on the 5th of August 2013. Their first issue is available to read on
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