Deadline: September 15, 2014
Application for participation at the 12th International Youth Conference “European Values for the Future of Southeastern European (SEE) Countries is now open. The conference taking place from September 25-29, 2014 in Krusevo seeks to create new perspectives for SEE’s and Europe’s young people and deepen understanding of the European Values among young people. The overall aim is promotion of the European values among the active young people from SEE region.
This year, the five days journey will provide opportunities to the young people to fully explore the cultural differences as possibilities for common European future as well as will provide the young people, participants, with comprehensive knowledge and experience about young people’s social inclusion, active citizenship, social responsibility and democratic values.
The conference costs are covered by the orginizers: 4 nights accommodation in Krusevo, all meals, transportation costs, conference materials and etc. View full travel details here.
The Conference will bring together up to 55 participants from the countries from the SEE region – (Macedonia (host country), Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Monte Negro, Italy, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia) and Turkey and guests from youth organizations partners from Germany and France, in the role of mentors.
The Internataional Youth Confrence is intended to be an opportunity and is open for youth workers, youth leaders, active young people who are:
- aged 18 – 32 years.
- available to actively attend the full duration of the Conference
- able to communicate in English, the working language of the Conference
- with diverse range of experience and skills, particularly experienced in the youth field and familiar with the Conference topics
- display a commitment to effecting positive change
- are open to enrich their knowledge and awareness regarding the European values and Youth work;
- are committed to prepare themselves for the conference subjects, previous to their arrival and to do the remote work requested by the team in case of selection;
- are motivated to undergo the conference and are able to attend the conference for its full duration;
Fill out the online application here.
For more information, visit 12th International Youth Conference.