Deadline: October 31, 2014
Wellcome trust is now accepting applications the Master’s Fellowship in Public Health and Tropical Medicine.This fellowship is aimed at building sustainable capacity in areas of research that have the potential for increasing health benefits for people and their livestock in low- and middle-income countries.Research should be aimed at understanding and improving public health and tropical medicine of local, national and global relevance.
Topics include:
- demographic, social science and health economic studies
- epidemiological, field and community-based studies
- healthcare systems and policy research
- measurement of infectious and chronic disease burden
- population studies
- clinical trials and case-control studies
- studies of disease mechanisms in the natural host
- determinants of disease susceptibility and resistance
- immunity or resistance in natural hosts or vectors.
Applicants must:
- be a national or legal resident of a low- and middle-income country, and hold a first degree in subject relevant to tropical medicine or public health (clinical or non-clinical). See list of low/middle income countries
- be at an early stage in your career, with limited research experience, but have a demonstrated interest in or aptitude for research.
- be based in a low- or middle-income country for their research project. The Trust does not provide Master’s schemes for UK/RoI-based researchers.
- identify an eligible sponsoring institution to administer the Fellowship for the full tenure of the award.
- Applications must be submitted from this host institution and be supported by an appropriate sponsor holding an established post for the duration of the Fellowship.
- be supported by appropriate supervisors who will provide independent support, mentorship and advice in all relevant research areas for the duration of the Fellowship
- Sponsors and supervisors should have ongoing research programmes and a track record in research, research training and mentorship
- This fellowship provides up to 30 months’ support (12 months master’s course + 18 months research project work)
- a stipend. Stipends are costed based on the Trust’s Masters students scales, determined by the location of the course (Inside London* – £17 000 per year; UK Outside London – £15 000 per year; Outside the UK – applicants are advised to check with the prospective training institution regarding living costs
- travel costs (e.g. outward and return airfares)
- support for approved tuition fees. Master’s course fees will be paid according to the rate charged by the training institution.
- Funds are also availble for: salary,project-dedicated research expenses, overseas allowances,collaborative travel, research management & support costs,Flexible Funding Allowance and inflation allowance.
Application Process
- Submit a complete application form the eGrants platform (Note: host institution will need to be registered on eGrants before you can create a new application form)
- candidates are not interviewed for these Fellowships
Note: Master’s degrees by distance learning can be supported.
For more information visit Wellcome Trust or contact [email protected]