Deadline: May 27, 2015
World Nomads is offering Travel Scholarships in photography, writing & film making; and interested candidates are encouraged to apply. Every year, World Nomads send talented storytellers on a money-can’t-buy learning experiences around the world.This opportunity is designed to give you a taste of what it’s like to be a travel writer on the road, so you must be comfortable travelling and working on your own.
Winners get the opportunity to learn from industry professionals, experts that have honed their craft over many years and have a passion to give back to aspiring storytellers.
The 3 scholarship recipients will receive:
- A 3-day custom travel writing course in San Francisco with mentor and Lonely Planet author John Vlahides.
- A 10-day road trip across the U.S. (including a $3000 USD stipend to spend on food, transport, activities and accommodation).
- Round-trip airfare from your country of residence to San Francisco, CA.
- Travel insurance for the duration of the trip from World Nomads.
Responsibilities of Winners
The three winners will be required to:
- Produce and submit 20 point-of-interest or “travel discoveries” reviews (plus photos) from the road trip (within 2 months of your return) that will be published on World Nomads as a U.S. Road Trip Guide.
- Post photos of your top road trip moments and Travel Discoveries to Instagram on a daily basis.
- This opportunity is open to students, emerging and non-professional writers and lovers of travel looking for a career change.
- The scholarship is open to all nationalities; however, you must have an exceptionally high degree of proficiency in written English.
- Minimum age 18 by the date the scholarship application closes (May 27, 2015).
- You need a current passport with at least six months left before expiry.
- You must be available as per the dates set out. Please note these dates are not changeable in any way, you must be available for the entire assignment.
- You should be an exceptional writer with a lust for adventure travel, a desire to experience new cultures and above all, a burning desire to become a professional travel writer!
Selection Criteria
The Judges are looking for the the following:
- great descriptive ability (without getting flowery);
- strong eye for detail;
- ability to uncover a great Travel Discovery and tell a compelling and original story about a specific place;
- excellent spelling and grammar and a knack for avoiding clichés.
How To Apply
- Write 2500 characters (including spaces) about your Travel Discovery showcasing your writing skills and your personality in a fun piece celebrating the hidden gems we all seek.
- Limit your Travel Discovery to a specific location – a temple, a museum, a beach, a park, a train carriage. But tell us what happened to you, why it was special, how it made you feel. Then most importantly, include tips on how others could replicate your experience (where do they go, when, etc.).
- You can also make some suggestions on improving the experience, things you’d do differently if you were planning to do it again.
- Basically, give an insider’s knowledge on the experience
TIP: Need a little inspiration? Here is an example
- Plan your itinerary. What are the two places in U.S. you would like to visit and write about on your road trip and why?
- Complete an entry form which includes contact details and a maximum 1500 character essay on why you should be chosen and what the opportunity will mean for you. Your answer will provide considerable weight in the judging process.You can access this registration here.
One entry per person. The entry must be submitted in English.
For more information, visit World Nomads.