Deadline: August 31, 2015
Are you a youth leader aged between 18 and 29 years and have experience in youth advocacy or development? You have an opportunity to attend this international event! The Commonwealth Youth Forum, hosted by the Government of Malta, and co-organised with the Commonwealth Secretariat and the Commonwealth Youth Council, is one of the four fora held just before CHOGM to help set the agenda for the actual meeting between Heads of Government.
The event brings together youth leaders from across the Commonwealth to exchange ideas and share experiences, build skills and networks, identify the most vital challenges and opportunities facing young people today, and make recommendations to decision makers at the highest level.
- Successful applicants will be responsible for organizing and paying for their own flights to Malta, but will be provided with accommodation, meals and on-ground travel for the duration of the Commonwealth Youth Forum.
- Successful candidates must also hold a valid passport and obtain a visa for entry to the country. Visas must be obtained before departure.
2015 CYF Themes
The theme for the 2015 Commonwealth Youth Forum is “Adding Global Value…#WhatNext?”.
Following closely the main CHOGM theme, this Youth Forum will aim to challenge and promote the role of the Commonwealth in adding global value, and, importantly, the role that young people will have in achieving this vision.
Subthemes for the 2015 Commonwealth Youth Forum focus on education, youth employment, entrepreneurship, sustainable development, climate change, ICT, health, human rights, youth policy and youth work.
Candidates should
- Be a recognized member of a national youth-led body, or represent a youth organisation or special interest group (such as indigenous young people, young people with disabilities, rural youth, young people from diaspora communities, LGBTQI etc.)
- Demonstrate an interest in global and Commonwealth issues and working with other young people towards the success of local, regional youth organisations, as well as the Commonwealth Youth Council and its continuation.
- Be committed to working in their respective countries with youth leaders, young people, youth organisations and special interest group as part of the preparatory work prior to attending and after the forum. This includes disseminating learnings and engaging with the Commonwealth Youth Council and other stakeholders to assist implement outcomes from the forum.
- Be dedicated to strengthening dialogue between young people of the Commonwealth.
- Be a citizen of a Commonwealth country.
The meeting:
- is an opportunity for young people to set and manage their own agenda, contributing to development and democracy work in the Commonwealth
- is a demonstration and celebration of the role and contribution of young people in promoting democracy and development
- aims to promote meaningful cultural exchange and cooperation among young people across the Commonwealth.
Application Process
Complete Application form.
For more information, send e-mail to [email protected] or visit Commonwealth Youth Forum.