Deadline: November 30, 2015
The African Federation for Emergency Medicine (AFEM) is seeking outstanding candidates for 1-year internship positions in global emergency care development.
AFEM was founded to develop and advance emergency care in Africa, and it represents a broad coalition of national societies, organizations, and individuals from over 40 countries. AFEM is dedicated to addressing the need for emergency care systems development and training in Africa, and has a strong history of successfully completing large projects
The only qualities a candidate must have in order to apply are:
- A bachelor’s degree or equivalent
- A strong interest in global emergency care and the development of emergency care systems
- Spoken and written fluency in English
- Good basic computer skills (Office Suite, Google Suite, etc.)
- Excellent communication and organizational skills, and a strong work ethic.
The needs of AFEM are myriad, and applications from students or recent graduates of medical, public health, business, computer science, international development, and media/marketing are all encouraged to apply. Medical research experience, language skills, web design, funding connections, epidemiology training, and an interest in finance, media, or marketing all earn bonus points.
- AFEM Interns will receive a small living stipend and be based in Cape Town, South Africa for the 2016-2017 year
- Successful candidates will have an opportunity to do a Master’s program in the area of the interest within Emergency Care.
Intern Responsibilities
General responsibilities of all AFEM interns include:
- to assist with the day-to-day running of the organisation
- to assist with planning and development of annual conferences;
- to develop, manage, and drive AFEM scientific projects throughout Africa;
- to build and maintain relations with sponsors and donors;
- to do research and apply for funding opportunities for AFEM projects;
In addition, successful applicants must be able to contribute to one or more of the following AFEM priority areas:
- Media and Communications: Managing and developing AFEM’s online presence, including the website and all social media; liaising with AFEM representatives to promote the organisation throughout Africa and globally; communicating with new and current AFEM members and creating and disseminating promotional materials.
- Scientific: Developing and coordinating curriculum materials and educational packages; creating and editing scientific documents; and managing and analysing data, particularly for AFEM’s Trauma Data Registry.
- Nursing: Assist with nurse-specific training curricula/courses; develop the agendas and bolster representation of nurses/mid-level providers at conferences; and work on securing funding for nursing-specific research.
- Out of Hospital: Assist with EMS/pre-hospital training curricula/courses; work on securing funding for Out of Hospital-specific research; and generally support the promotion of out of hospital activities w/in AFEM.
- Journal: Act as technical editor for AFEM’s African Journal of Emergency Medicine, responsible for pre and post-production processing of submissions; journal expansion and promotion; working on setting up the podcast and assisting the editor-in-chief as required.
- Executive: Administrative duties such as planning conferences and events; assisting with AFEM finances; creating documents and promotional materials; and communicating with representatives, project managers, and potential AFEM contacts.
- Operational: Furthering of AFEM as an international non-profit from any number of angles: computer/IT/web development and analytics, business/management, or fundraising.
How to Apply
- Download and complete the application. You may either complete and return the fillable PDF, or the Word document.
- Attach a one page; single-space statement (font 12, times new Roman) to your application telling us:
(i) Why you want to work for AFEM for one year;
(ii) Which of AFEM’s priority areas you’re most interested in and how you can best contribute to the growth of the organization;
(iii) Your future professional, personal or academic goals and how you foresee this internship helping you achieve them.
(iv) Anything else you’d like to tell the AFEM Hiring team about you in relation to your application. - Email the application, a current CV, and the personal statement to [email protected]. Please indicate “Internship Application” in the subject line to ensure it ends up in the right hands. Please also make sure your surname is included in the file name of every attached document.
Applications will be reviewed in the weeks following the closing date, and interviews requested by the 18th January, 2016, to allow sufficient time to accommodate the absurd visa application process. All decisions will be announced by 30th January 2016.
Please note that no application shall be accepted after the closing date and only the shortlisted candidates shall be acknowledged.
For more information, visit African Federation for Emergency Medicine.