Deadline: November 7, 2016
Darwin Fellowship Award provides funding to a UK host organisation to enable promising individuals from developing countries to come to the UK for a period of training or research. Darwin-funded projects usually aim to help preserve biodiversity and the local community that lives alongside it. Most projects will include one or more of:
- building environmental knowledge
- capacity building
- research
- implementing international biodiversity agreements
- There is no specific minimum or maximum level for a Fellowship Award. On average a typical Darwin Fellowship award is around £20,000-£25,000 and covers a period of training in the UK of around 12 months.
The applicant will usually be
- from a developing country
- involved in a recent or current Darwin Initiative project; or
- directly involved in the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species or the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture; and
- working in biodiversity or related fields.
The timetable for Round 23 small schemes is set out below:
- Late September 2016 – call for applications
- 7 November 2016 – deadline for applications
- February 2017 – notification of outcome to all applicants
- From 1 April 2017 – earliest start date for successful Darwin Fellowships
For more information and application, visit Darwin Fellowship Award.