Youth to Youth Initiative (Y2Y Initiative) is pleased to announce that a new Youth to Youth Brunch will take place in Paris on September 29, 2016. Hicham Mansouri and Samad Iach will be presenting on the theme: “Freedom of Press and Expression in the Arab World Since the Arab Spring”, which will be moderated by Vilija Terezaitė.
Date: September 29, 2016
Time: 18:00 to 19:30
Venue: 35 Rue Cauchy 75015, Paris, France
About Y2Y Initiative
Youth to Youth Initiative is an umbrella non-profit, started in 2015, which aims to foster change and to construct an effective environment for youth participation in the decision making process and community development. Through dialogue and immediate action plans it strives to solve the most critical issues. Y2Y Initiative strives to support and empower youth in their efforts to build a just, equitable and sustainable society aiming to provide an access to efficient means of participation in decision making process and community development.
About Youth to Youth Brunch
Youth to Youth Brunch was established as a follow-up event of the Y2Y Summit 2015. After hosting inspiring speakers, they have discovered that their participants want to discuss further issues that matter to youth. So they decided to help them to host non-formal conversations with such inspirational speakers at any place in the world.
Brunch Topics
On the one hand, Hicham Mansouri will be talking about “The new methods of oppression since the Arab Spring”, analysing how the dictatorships of the region have used methods and ruses exploiting adjudication in order to silence critical journalists and take revenge on the activists, who participated or supported the Movement of the 20th February, accusing them of high treason, espionage, drug possession, tax evasion, trickery and illegal trade.
On the other hand, Samad Iach will be introducing the topic “The alternative media in the democratic spring: Role and Perspectives” that will explain the delicate situation of freedom of expression in the Arab countries, how the dictatorship put the sector of the classic media under total control, how the young informed generation has profited by the more or less free space that was created on the Internet, the importance of the Social Media and the civic journalism remaining utterly formative as an alternative tool of information, education and collective action. Participants will also be introduced to those Social Media, like blogs, Facebook and Twitter websites led to become not only a tool of education and communication, but also a tool of change, and a catalyser for the creation of social movements.
Available to attend?
This event will be for free and it is open to all audiences. Learn more at Y2Y Brunch.