Deadline: September 30, 2017
Apply for the OSME Conservation and Research Fund Grant 2017. The OSME Conservation Fund is a small grants programme that supports bird conservation projects in the OSME region. Projectcs should be directed to one or more of the following funding priorities:
- Investigating the status of Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable or Near-threatened bird species;
- Attempting to further the knowledge of existing IBAs, for example by undertaking breeding censuses and conducting systematic counts;
- Investigating potential new IBAs or ornithologically little known areas;
- Conducting ecological studies of little-known species;
- Studies related to illegal bird killing and unsustainable hunting;
- Educational programmes, especially aimed at school children and youth.
About OSME
The Ornithological Society of the Middle East was formed in April 1978 as a successor to the Ornithological Society of Turkey and was expanded in 2001 to cover the Caucasus and Central Asia. Its aims are as follows:
- To collect, collate and publish ornithological data on birds of the Middle East, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
- To encourage an interest in and conservation of birds of the Middle East, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
- To assist environmental and conservation organisations and natural history societies in and concerned with ornithological studies and activities in the Middle East, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
- There is no maximum limit to the value of grant awarded but most average £1000 to £2,000.
- Projects should be initiated and carried out by nationals of OSME region countries, and/or
- Include a strong educational element, pro-actively engaging local communities and/or
- Include an element of long-term sustainability of the project, such as training of local counterparts.
- The involvement of nationals of OSME countries in project management, implementation and/or capacity building is essential.
Application Process
- Download the application form
- All applications and supporting documentation must be submitted by email in English on the Grant Application Form.
Please allow sufficient time between submitting your application and the proposed timing of commencing the project so that there is time for your application to be considered by the sub-committee and for you to respond to requests for further information if required.
For more information, visit OSME Conservation Fund.