Deadline: June 4, 2018
The OpenIDEO Bridgebuilders Innovation Challenge 2018 is now open for entries. This innovation Challenge—conducted in collaboration with GHR Foundation— will support organizations working to address urgent global challenges at the intersections of peace, prosperity, and planet in radically new ways.
How might we design and innovate together for the global good? Share your ideas to answer the Challenge question for a chance at a share of $1million.
The Challenge
How might we come together to address urgent global challenges at the intersections of peace, prosperity, and planet in radically new ways?
Selected top ideas will:
- Receive a share of $1 million in seed funding from GHR Foundation
- Join a BridgeBuilder cohort of innovative organizations working to address urgent needs
- Take part in a kick-off workshop, during which they will meet other social innovators and further design and build their approaches with tools and expertise from GHR Foundation and OpenIDEO
- Receive ongoing partnership support from GHR Foundation, potential connection to other funder networks, and media exposure.
Submissions are welcome from registered nonprofit, civil society, community-based, and for-profit organizations working anywhere in the United States or around the world.
- Is the organization certified/registered?
- Is the idea action oriented, not research, convening, policy development, or advocacy?
- Does the idea touch on at least 2 or more of the topic areas (peace, prosperity, planet)?
- Does the idea build or repair unique bridges between people, issues, and beliefs to promote meaningful engagement, greater social cohesion and sustainable community led change?
Design Criteria
- Address urgent needs: Does the Idea target an identified pressing and local and solvable need?
- Root solutions in communities: Does the Idea reflect and is it appropriate for the context, cultures, knowledge, wisdom, needs and aspirations of partner communities?
- Promote pathways towards more equitable and just systems: Does the Idea partner to create pathways with the potential for sustainable impact on complex urgent social challenges by shifting power structures, altering narratives, and moving the world in a more equitable and just direction?
- Human Centered: Did the idea collect feedback from end users in order to solve a real problem for the community?
In addition, they will be paying close attention to the following:
- Did the participant respond to some of the clarifying questions made via comments on the platform?
- Did the participant provide feedback to other participants?
- If shortlisted, did the participant incorporate expert or beneficiary feedback into their final proposal?
Submission Guidelines:
- Bridge two or more topic areas: Ideas must address two or more of the topic areas (peace, prosperity, and planet).
- Originality: Ideas should also strive to build and repair unique bridges between people, issues, and beliefs that promote meaningful engagement, greater social cohesion, and sustainable, community-led change.
- Actionable and tangible: Ideas must be actionable and center on tangible results in the community of focus (rather than research, convenings, policy development, or advocacy).
- Within funding scope: Ideas that can be implemented within a 36 month timeline and budget requests of less than US$500,000.
Share your ideas to answer the Challenge question for a chance at a share of $1million.
For more information, visit OpenIDEO Bridgebuilders Challenge.