Deadline: October 3, 2022
Proposals are invited for the International Media Support (IMS) and Fojo Media Institute Media Nexus Programme 2022. IMS and Fojo Media Institute (Fojo) are jointly inviting applications to support the implementation of a three-year media development programme whose aim is to contribute to the strengthening of the media’s role in advancing democracy and development.
- Up to USD $90,000 per year (single applicants) and up to USD $180,000 per year (consortium). All subject to scope, reach, organisational capacity and reputation, relevance and value for money aspects of the proposal.
- Open to media civil society organisations (CSOs), media operators, community media organisations, community based organisations (CBOs), media unions, media networks, media content creators and innovators, based and operating in Zimbabwe.
- Be a legal entity registered under relevant Zimbabwe laws.
- Have sufficient programme outreach capacity in the designated/project-focused geographic and programmatic area.
- Documented evidence of utilisation and management of grants/funds will be an added advantage.
- Have established systems for reporting mechanisms.
- Have audited financial statement for the last completed financial year.
Evaluation Criteria
The proposals will be evaluated in accordance with the evaluation criteria set forth below and include the following sections:
- Coherence and justification: proposals will be assessed for their relevance to the objectives of the programme, particularly the anticipated connecting link between the proposed activities and their intended impact on target groups identified. Outcomes and objectives must be coherent, measurable and realistic. Concept notes must show how the proposed activities will achieve the desired outcomes.
- Innovation: proposals that demonstrate innovation and new approaches that demonstrate learning from previous interventions will stand high chances of success.
- Gender integration: the proposed projects must address gender issues in a substantive and integrated manner, describing specific and effective approaches for addressing gender constraints and how these will be addressed.
- Relevance to marginalised communities: Applicants must outline how the proposed project will be inclusive of marginalised communities and how it will benefit marginalised communities.
- Organisational capacity: The application must briefly describe the applicant’s organisational history, capacity areas and experience including traceable past performance. Applicants with no related prior funding are also encouraged to apply. IMS may do reference checks on all applicants shortlisted.
- Cost application/budget: The applicant must include an indicative budget breakdown for the proposed action within the stipulated ceiling. The budget must clearly demonstrate value for money (VFM) and all budget lines must be justified and commensurate with the proposed activity costs and corresponding results.
All applicants are strictly to complete an online application form with all requisite attachments uploaded virtually. No email applications will be considered.
Attachments are limited to the following:
- Tentative budget
- Workplan
- Monitoring and evaluation plan
- Proof of registration
- Copy of independent institutional audit report of the last fiscal year
- Table of current funded activities, funding partners and budget amounts and funding period
- Organisational team structure
- Risk matrix
- List of references of your current and previous funders
Applicants, without exception, are to complete the full proposal form no later than 5:00pm Zimbabwe time on Monday, 3 October 2022. Submission after this deadline will not be considered.
For more information, visit Media Nexus Programme.