Deadline: May 17, 2013
The Weeden Foundation invites proposals for its next grant cycle. The Foundation’s primary mission is to protect biodiversity. It makes grants for biodiversity conservation in forest ecosystems, riparian corridors, and riverine and aquatic environments of ecological importance. The foundation has financed hundreds of small environmental organizations in its efforts to protect habitat and stop environmentally unsound practices.
Weeden’s international geographical priorities are the Patagonia region of Chile, the Altai Republic of Russia and other parts of Latin America and Africa.
Funding Areas – Program Descriptions
- Domestic Biodiversity Program
- International Biodiversity Program
- Land Acquisition Program
- Population Program
- Consumption Program
- The Foundation strongly encourages potential applicants to submit a letter of inquiry (via e-mail or regular mail) before presenting a complete proposal.
- They will respond to all such letters within a few weeks of receipt.
- Letters should reflect a basic knowledge of Foundation geographic interests and programmatic emphases as garnered from this Web site.
- All potential applicants should review the site carefully prior to submitting a letter of inquiry or a complete proposal. We also very much prefer letters of inquiry to phone calls. Returning applicants (who received a grant the previous year) do not need to submit a letter of inquiry.
Proposal Requirements
- Proposals must describe both the purpose for which the grant is solicited and a brief evaluation process in a clear and precise manner.
- Shorter descriptions are preferred to longer descriptions, and a brief Executive Summary of the proposal must be included.
- The Executive Summary is an especially important part of the proposal, as it is the best vehicle for an organization to present the nature and intent of their project directly to the Board of Directors.
- The summary should be concise—one or two paragraphs is generally sufficient—and should include mention of both recent and future projects.
In addition to the narrative, the following materials constitute a complete application package. Incomplete proposals will not be placed on the docket.
- annual report with latest financial statements (preferably audited)
- list of Board of Directors and their affiliations
- e-mail address for the primary contact
- IRS tax exemption 501(c)(3) certification letter or an equivalency form for non-U.S.based organizations (available through the Foundation)
- project budget
- organizational budget
- other sources and amounts of institutional support (past, present, and anticipated future); and
- qualifications of key personnel
For more information, please click here.