Deadline: February 21, 2016
Applications are accepted for the 2016 ASEAN-U.S. Science and Technology Fellows Program. This is an opportunity to join a team of science leaders exploring opportunities to address key areas of concern to Asia’s citizens through science and policy.
Supported by the U.S. government, the program helps early career scientists from ASEAN Member States be more engaged in policies that drive national priorities and affect the lives of citizens in ASEAN. The Fellowship provides opportunities for early career scientists who are citizens and residents of AMS to contribute their knowledge and analytical skills to their national governments.
Fellowship Provisions
A stipend of $1,200 per month for the 12 months of the Fellowship period will be granted. The stipend is intended to cover all relevant costs for participating in the Fellowship (e.g. salary, room, board, insurance, etc.).
Relocation support will not be provided.
Travel costs for Fellows’ participation in the Annual Fellows Workshop in Jakarta—at the start of their Fellowship year and the end— ASEAN COST Meeting, and other pre-approved events will be covered separately. Fellows must be available to participate in the Annual Fellows Workshop preceding the start of the Fellowship and are expected to participate for all 12 months.
- While a Ph.D. is strongly encouraged and preferred, applicants must have at minimum a Master’s degree to apply.
- The Fellowship anticipates that most Fellows will be at the Ph.D. level. Candidates with Master’s degrees must have at least five years of professional experience.
- The Fellowship is aimed at early career scientists who will use the experience to enhance and inform future career paths.
- Applicants should be less than 45 years of age as of February 21, 2016.
- All eligible applicants, including women and ethnic minorities, are strongly encouraged to apply to the Fellowship.
- This Fellowship is focused on bringing outside scientific knowledge and perspectives into the government, and in creating new career experiences for participants.
- The Fellowship particularly encourages applications from scientists who are not already employed by their home governments.
- Government scientists applying for this Fellowship must clearly articulate in their Essay Questions how the Fellowship will provide them with new opportunities and further their career development. Government scientists cannot seek a Fellowship to continue their position within their current ministry or role.
Selection Criteria
Applications will be evaluated based upon the following four criteria:
- Scientific and/or technical background and professional accomplishments
- Leadership and/or potential for leadership
- Communication, interpersonal, and outreach skills
- Commitment to the three main goals of the ASEAN-U.S. Science and Technology Fellowship
The deadline for submission of applications is Sunday, February 21, 2016. The program will begin on Wednesday, June 1, 2016.
For more information, visit ASEAN-U.S. Science and Technology Fellowship.