Many industries, education included, have been affected by technology. Everyone in schools, colleges and universities can feel the impact of technology.
Technology is not just a cool thing; it has helped improve education in many ways. Apart from the conventional narration that technology has affected students negatively in their learning, some tools have proved to be helpful to students.
Over the last ten years, the workload on the students has increased dramatically. A recent study shows that 75 percent of students in colleges spend up to 5 hours a day doing their homework. That’s apart from the time they spend attending classes. No wonder a large percentage of students feel exhausted all the time.
Luckily, there are many online services out there specifically designed for managing everyday work, learning new skills and even study tools to help learners when studying their exams. If you’re a student and you struggle with research papers, check out the Student’s Internet Research Guide.
Here is a list of six online services that will help you boost your performance and get the much-desired results. Read on and learn more:
1. Homeworkmarket
Want a quick and precise answer to a difficult homework question? Homeworkmarket is a service many students rely upon to get help from real tutors. You can simply post a question, select from a list of tutors, and get help from the tutor to finish your homework. It’s that easy. The site also provides a great opportunity to people who wish to become a tutor at Homeworkmarket and help students from all across the globe.
2. Purdue OWL
Purdue OWL is an excellent site if you are looking for various academic styles to cite your sources. Purdue Writing Lab, commonly known as OWL, refers to a free writing web service that can be used by students from all corners of the world. It comes with instructional materials that explain how to format papers in MLA, APA, and Chicago styles.
Purdue OWL will give you answers to any question you might have including:
- How to format quotations
- How to create endnotes and footnotes
- How to cite periodicals, books, electronic sources as well as other common sources
Besides, this tool provides samples of cited pages and formatted pages. If you want to craft a research paper in style or essay which you are unfamiliar with, feel free to check these samples.
3. Google Scholar
If you want to come up with an excellent academic paper, you should do in-depth online research and look for scholarly sources to base your research on. But with the many unreliable information on the internet, sometimes it can be hard to find scientific papers by just doing a google search. This is where Google Scholar comes in.
Google Scholar is a specialized search engine tool that allows you to have access to scholarly literature. With it, you can find the following sources: patents, scientific journals, government reports, books, studies, and other trustworthy sources.
4. Grammarly
Part of college assignments is ensuring that your work is free of grammar and spelling errors. Whether you are doing a one-page essay or a 10-page essay term paper, you should ensure that it has no grammar mistakes. The use of proper grammar is essential regardless of what you’re majoring in at college.
Grammarly is a website that can help proofread your work automatically. It helps detect and correct all types of grammar and spelling mistakes. You can install Grammarly add-on on your browser to make it easy to use and it will teach you how to improve your work.
Whether you’re collaborating on a project or writing an email, this tool will help you correct your GSP errors by not only highlighting what you need to change but also telling you why you need to change it so that you can learn from your mistakes.
5. CiteThisForMe
Cite This For Me is an excellent tool for those who don’t have time to learn using various formatting styles. This is an online tool that you can use to generate bibliography using the following easy steps automatically:
- Choose formatting style: MLA, APA, Harvard, Chicago, IEE, Turabian, ISO 690.
- Select your source: journal, website, interview, book, case, court, video, religious text, etc.
- Choose a title or other information (DOI of the article, ISBN of the book, URL of the website, etc.)
- If required, you can provide any additional information manually
When you cite your sources automatically, you avoid making mistakes or losing your points.
6. Google Translate
When working on science-related homework, students may find it necessary to translate content or report from another language to English. In this case, you can use Google translate.
Google translate will allow you to translate texts from more than 100 different languages.
However, it is important to remember that machine translation isn’t 100 percent accurate. So, don’t be shocked if some words are interpreted in the wrong way or the message of the article appear vague.
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