1. Asia Foundation Development Fellows Program 2024 (up to $5,000)
Applications are open for the Asia Foundation Development Fellows Program 2024. The Asia Foundation Development Fellows Program is a dynamic and multifaceted learning program designed for highly talented Asian individuals under age 40, to enhance their leadership skills, Asian development knowledge, professional networks, and international exposure. The program reflects the Foundation’s nearly seven-decided tradition of investing in the region’s most promising future leaders.
Click for more details | Deadline: August 28
2. AAUW Career Development Grants 2023 (up to $20,000)
Applications are open for the AAUW Career Development Grants 2023. The Career Development Grants provide funding to women who own a bachelor’s degree and are preparing to advance or change careers or reenter the workforce in education; health, and medical sciences; science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM); or social sciences.
Click for more details | Deadline: November 15
3. Donald M. Payne International Development Fellowship Program 2024 (up to $104,000)
Applications for the Donald M. Payne International Development Fellowship Program 2024 are now open. The USAID Donald M. Payne International Development Graduate Fellowship Program seeks to attract outstanding individuals who are interested in pursuing careers in the Foreign Service of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
Click for more details | Deadline: October 26
4. UNESCO-Hamdan Prize for Teacher Development 2023 (Total price of $300,000)
Nominations are open for the UNESCO-Hamdan Prize for Teacher Development 2023. The UNESCO-Hamdan Prize for Teacher Development was created in 2008 to support the improvement of teaching and learning quality in achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 4 on education, which is one of UNESCO’s priorities.
Click for more details | Deadline: October 31
5. Global Development Awards Competition 2023
Applications are open for the Global Development Awards Competition 2023. The Global Development Awards Competition is an innovative award scheme launched by the Global Development Network (GDN) with generous support from the Ministry of Finance, Government of Japan. The award recognizes excellence in policy-oriented research, supports research capacity, and development of researchers in low and middle-income countries, and funds innovative social development projects benefiting marginalized groups in the developing world.
Click for more details | Deadline: September 28
6. AREF Research Development Fellowship Programme 2023/2024 (Up to £47,000)
Applications are open for the AREF Research Development Fellowship Programme 2023/2024. The aim of the AREF Research Development Fellowship Programme is to provide opportunities for talented health researchers based in Africa so that they can lead research that is responsive to its African settings and can contribute to reducing the burden of disease. It aims to develop emerging African scientists through developing their skills, experience, confidence, and research outputs.
Click for more details | Deadline: September 14
7. Climate, Food and Farming, Global Research Alliance Development Scholarships (CLIFF-GRADS) Programme 2023.
Applications are open for the Climate, Food and Farming, Global Research Alliance Development Scholarships (CLIFF-GRADS) Programme 2023. The CLIFF-GRADS is a joint initiative of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA) and Mitigate+ Research for Low Emissions Food Systems (Mitigate+). CLIFF-GRADS builds capability in early career scientists from low and middle-income countries to conduct applied research in agriculture greenhouse gas emission quantification and mitigation.
Click for more details | Deadline: August 28
8. Georg Forster Research Fellowship for Sustainable Development 2023/2024
Applications are now open for the Georg Forster Research Fellowship for Sustainable Development 2023/2024. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation grants the Georg Forster Research Fellowship to researchers in all disciplines from developing and emerging countries who have above-average qualifications. With this fellowship, the Humboldt Foundation acknowledges the important role of researchers from these countries in achieving the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals and thus provides them with sponsorship that is equivalent to the Humboldt Research Fellowship.
Click for more details | Deadline: Unspecified
9. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Global Call 2023
Applications are open for the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Global Call 2023. By 2030, clean energy electricity supply must double to limit global temperature rise. Otherwise, the impacts of climate change could jeopardise global energy security and even threaten the supply of renewable energy. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Global Call 2023, initiated by UNIDO ITPO Beijing, wants proposals for innovative solutions in clean and smart energy that contribute to inclusive and sustainable industrial development.
Click for more details | Deadline: August 20
10. Dubai International Best Practices Award for Sustainable Development 2023 (up to $1,000,000 in prizes)
Applications are open for the Dubai International Best Practices Award for Sustainable Development 2023. The Dubai International Award aims to recognise excellence and support human settlement best practices and to create a global and unique knowledge-sharing platform for best practices in human settlements. Now reaching its 25th year, the award recognizes the world’s best practices that demonstrate valuable contributions to sustainable urban development, as a result of effective partnerships between public, private, and civic sectors in these areas.
Click for more details | Deadline: August 31
Good luck!