Deadline: October 31, 2023
Call for applications for the training of young people within the framework of the ECOWAS Regional Strategy on Employability in the Agriculture and Food Sector in Senegal is now open. The objective of this call for applications is to strengthen the capacities of 100 young professionals and/or project leaders in the agricultural and agri-food development sector on 4 themes. The trainings will take place over at least one week (5 working days) and will combine theoretical aspects with practical applications.
- Theme 1. Training in Animal Husbandry and Animal Feed: This theme will be under the responsibility of ENSA’s animal production department and will be conducted at its Centre for the Application of Livestock Techniques (CATE) located in Thiès. The department has carried out several training sessions for engineering students and fattening groups. In addition, various extension documents have been prepared for the information of entrepreneurs (fattening, poultry farming, fodder cultivation, etc.).
- Theme 2. In vitro plant production: This theme will be under the responsibility of the In Vitro Culture Research Unit (URCI) in Dakar. This in vitro plant research and production laboratory has more than 30 years of experience in the vegetative propagation of several forest species and horticultural plants. The objective of this training will be to introduce learners to the interest and applications of in vitro culture techniques. They will be introduced to the propagation/production of disease-free vitro plants from different explants of plant species (pineapple, banana, potato, sweet potato and cassava).
- Theme 3. Biological soil fertilization and biofertilizer production techniques: This theme will be under the responsibility of the soil and plant laboratory of the National Center for Agronomic Research (CNRA) in Bambey. A few years ago, this laboratory built a model of a composting unit that speeds up the composting process while preserving its nutrients. The training will therefore be conducted at the interface between the soil laboratory and the composting unit in Bambey.
- Theme 4. Bread-making made from local cereals: This theme will be under the responsibility of the Institute of Food Technology (ITA), which has a strong potential for research and training in the processing of agricultural products in the broadest sense as well as in incubation and business creation. Within the framework of WAAPP, ITA has developed and disseminated at the national and regional levels bread-making processes using compound flours (wheat + local cereals + tubers + legumes) with or without the use of processing aids. The institute has also recently acquired a sensory analysis laboratory, one of the first of its kind in West Africa, which will be put to use.
- Open to young people (students, professionals and/or project leaders) under the age of 35.
- Candidates with activities or a professional project related to the chosen theme will be given preference in order to promote self-employment.
The application file will consist of:
- a handwritten request specifying the chosen theme;
- a cover letter;
- a national identity document;
- a curriculum vitae;
- a copy of the latest diploma and/or proof of professional activity (card, certificate, etc.).
The complete file in pdf format must be sent to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] with the subject “ECOWAS Training 2023_Thématique chosen”.
The deadline for submission of applications is October 31, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.
For more information, visit ECOWAS Training.