The Commonwealth Youth Programme in collaboration with the Presidency, National Youth Development Agency and University of South Africa is organizing the Commonwealth Conference on Education and Training of Youth Workers (CCETYW). The conference which has been described as the first of its kind is scheduled for the 18th -20th of March and will be hosted at the University of South Africa in Pretoria.
CCETYW is offering an incredible opportunity for youth development practitioners to network among themselves while deliberating on the professionalization of their work. The conference will provide a platform for discussions on education and training in the youth work sector
Holding on the theme ‘’Towards the Professionalization of Youth Work” the conference will bring together some 500 Youth Development Practitioners to deliberate on issues of relating to their work and to chart a way forward for standardizing Youth Work as a recognizable profession. The delegates are drawn from youth development networks in Governments, NGOs, youth workers associations and Youth Development agencies.
The conference workshops and plenary sessions will be led and delivered by a distinguished array of decorated and seasoned practitioners in youth development from Universities, Government and International Youth Development Agencies. It will be opened by the President of the Republic of South Africa H.E Jacob Zuma and will feature a key note address from the Commonwealth Deputy Secretary General, Mrs. Mmasekgoa Masire-Mwamba.
Conference outputs and features
CCETYW is a working conference where participants’ inputs and discussions is expected to lead to the formulation of stronger platforms for youth workers and youth workers associations as a lead towards raising the standards of youth work as a profession recognized by local, regional and international standards and relevant international and professional bodies. A foundation for the formation of a global professional body for youth workers will be laid.
The conference recommendations will be presented to Commonwealth Youth Ministers at their meeting in Papua New Guinea in April.
The features of the Conference include discussions on;
- National and International recognition of youth work training, Continuous professional development for youth work practitioners, recognition of Prior Learning in Youth Work.
- Standardisation of youth work studies, Current qualifications offered by institutions in youth work, Academic exchanges and Research in Youth Development Practice.
- Building a strong front: lessons from Youth workers associations, Creating a commonwealth youth workers association, Commonwealth framework on youth work practice: towards standardisation.
- Making youth work “fashionable”: marketing and awareness creation on youth work, International Mechanisms for Promoting Youth Development Practice, Youth work in National Youth Policies (NYPs)
- Conference funding
Conference Cost Details
Delegates will bear all their costs of participation in the conference including flights to and from South Africa, accommodation, conference registration and visa fees where applicable.
The conference registration fee is USD 200, this pays for inland transports including airport transfer (to and from OR Tambo Airport) to Pretoria city, daily transfers from designated hotels to the conference venues and back, the conference materials, meals served at the conference venue and the gala dinner hosted by the presidency.
Bursary Support
This is NOT a sponsored conference and as such participating delegates have to pay for all their expenses. However, the Commonwealth may provide some funding support to a limited number of delegates from outside South Africa to attend this conference. This may cover accommodation only, or air tickets only or both in extreme cases. Bursaries will NOT cover registration fees. Bursaries are also limited to delegates presenting papers or facilitating workshops during the conference. There are very limited bursaries and only about 5% of delegates may be supported. You can only apply for this bursary once you have paid the registration fee.
For more information, click here.