Deadline: August 15, 2013
Applications are invited from eligible individuals for the IDEAS – Energy Innovation Contest. The IDEAS competition is an initiative that supports the development of innovative projects that promote renewable energy, energy efficiency, and energy access in rural areas. The Inter-American Development Bank with support from the South Korean government, GDF SUEZ and NDF are the sponsors of this year Contest. The competition is open to all individuals and institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean located in one or more of the 26 IDB member countries.
- The competition is open to any organization, consortium or individual based in the countries of the LAC region IDB member Countries.
- Participants must complete the IDEAS online form at
- Each participant may submit only one proposal.Proposals must be submitted in English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French.
The competition is open in accordance with the criteria described below:
- Purpose of the proposed projects: Projects must focus on the adoption, innovation, assimilation, development, and transfer of technologies for renewable energy and energy efficiency, and climate change, including biofuels and energy access in rural areas.
- Entities eligible to participate: The contest is open to any organization, consortium, or individual based in the IDB member countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- Timeframe: The proposed activities must be completed within a maximum of 12 months from the date of the first disbursement.
- Amount of grant funding available: Requests for funding must not be greater than US$100,000 per project; funding will be provided by GDF SUEZ, NDF, and the IDB.
- Existing support: Applicants who are already receiving funding for the same project from GDF SUEZ, NDF, the IDB, or any previous sponsor of the competition, are not eligible.
- Areas eligible for funding: All expenses and investments directly related to the execution of the project that are essential for the project’s successful implementation are eligible for funding. Full accounting must be made of these expenses and investments.
- Proposals must include counterpart funding of 20 percent of the total amount of the project, which can be financial or in kind.
Evaluation Criteria
- Degree of innovation (innovative content):
- Development impact (economic, social, environmental, and technological benefit):
- Scale, potential for replicability, sustainability (technical and financial viability):
- Institutional capacity and quality of the proposal
- Feasibility for the transfer, implementation, assimilation, and adoption of the project results
Requests for funding that will be supported by GDF SUEZ, NDF, and the IDB will not exceed US$100,000 per project.
For more information, click here.