Deadline: April 21, 2014
Interested artists, teachers, social workers and volunteers from all over Europe – who may come with or without explicit experiences – are invited for the Summer Academy of Applied Performing Art Practices on July 7 – 20 in Szakácsi, Hungary
The Summer Academy will provide a two-week long scholar framework involving outstanding professional trainers from various fields as applied theater, clown-technic or social work. The 2 weeks long theoretic study program is completed by another week of work-experience with underprivileged children where the trainees can encounter with the real difficulties of field-work while assisting the leaders.
- For 30 trainees out of a possible 42, all the costs (including travelling and daily allowances) shall be covered
- For 12 additional participants there is the possibility for co-financing (the travel to Hungary and 27 euros for daily allowances will have to be paid, but the courses will be free of charge also for them).
- Participants will have to be living in Europe
- Urge for broadening her/his knowledge in Applied Performing Art Practices.
- Curriculum Vitae: Length of one page. Please include all relevant contact information and personal website, if available.
- Letter of intent Length of max. one page.
For more information, click here.