The NIKE Foundation is dedicated to creating the space for girls to fully realize their potential, as described through the goals of the Girl Declaration. We are seeking strong partners to realize this vision through strategic advocacy at the international level to ensure the goals and targets set forth in the Girl Declaration are fully integrated into the post-2015 framework.
The Nike Foundation, through this Request for Proposals, will fund organizations to influence the highest levels of decision-makers to galvanize commitment to fully integrating adolescent girls into the post-2015 framework.
In line with this strategy, the primary objectives of this Request for Proposals are to:
- Mobilize support for the Girl Declaration at the global level, and among leaders and influencers of the post-2015 process, in particular.
- Ensure that the guiding principles, goals and targets of the Girl Declaration are included in the technical negotiations that take place within the walls of the UN.
- Support global-level advocacy on adolescent girls and the post-2015 agenda.
- Encourage greater collaboration and information-sharing between organizations advocating for adolescent girls in the post-2015 framework
- Up to three to five organizations will be funded with $250,000 for an 18-month period. While we share these numbers, we expect that you design to purpose, not to the total budget available. The number of grants awarded will be determined by the number and magnitude of applications. The Nike Foundation will require prior-approval of communications products developed with funds through this grant program.
- Applicants outside of the United States must be charitable in purpose and identified as NGOs or the equivalent of a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization. US applicants must be tax-exempt, nonprofit organizations as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
- Demonstrated experience/success influencing international policy decisions, particularly within the United Nations.
- Existence of key personnel with the competencies and experience required to achieve the objectives of the project.
- Evidence of access to influential individuals in your network that can commit to supporting the project goal.
- Demonstrated experience in successfully managing projects of this scope.
- Demonstrated commitment to advocating for adolescent girls.
- Deep knowledge of the United Nations system, including the post-2015 process.
Evaluation Criteria:
Applications were will evaluated based on:
- Organizational capacity
- Relevance
- Approach
- Reflection and Adaptation
- Potential for success
- Budget
Application Information:
- All proposals will be screened to guarantee conformity with the eligibility criteria described above. Proposals that meet these requirements will then be assessed by a Selection Committee in accordance with the evaluation criteria included in this RFP.
- If selected, you can expect to work together with the Nike Foundation to finalize the project design and budget. Finalists may be invited to present their global advocacy strategy to the Nike Foundation through video-conferencing. The Nike Foundation will provide guidelines for these presentations to be scheduled for early June 2014. Final decisions may be based on both the evaluation of the proposal and presentation.
- The Nike Foundation will announce its decisions in June 2014, with fund disbursement expected by July 2014. If we decline your proposal, we will communicate the reason to you in a letter.
- Please submit your proposal in English, following the attached guidelines.
- Please submit materials electronically no later than Friday, May 16, 2014 to: Ms. Sara Posada, [email protected].
For more information, download official call here.