Deadline: February 12, 2016
Application process for the class of 2016-2017 SERP-Chem Master Course is now open. The Master SERP-Chem aims at training young students in the most performing experimental and theoretical tools used and developed in chemistry and physical-chemistry and Material Science. Students enrolled in the two-year programme will attend lectures in at least two different countries of their choice.
A maximum of 5 scholarships will be offered for the academic year 2016-2017 for first-year (M1) or second-year (M2) students.
About the programme
The International Master SERP-Chem is a two-year programme in Surface, Electro, Radiation, and Photo-Chemistry with elements of Management, Business, Innovation and Valorisation, Communication and Patent law. The Master SERP-Chem aims at training students in the most performing experimental and theoretical tools used and developed in chemistry, and to become the topmost researchers and managers in areas of great relevance such as:
- Green chemistry based on photon-induced reactions,
- Nanomedicine and renewable energies, applications of radiations,
- Catalysis and industrial processes based on innovative surface treatments and modification
- Environment concerns
Financial conditions
- M1: 5000€ for the academic year 2016-2017 (the scholarship is stopped during the second semester in Poznan or Porto).
- M2: 10 000€ for the academic year 2016-2017. In addition, the 6-month internship during semester 4 is paid approximately 550€/month.
- a maximum of 1000€ for travel and visa
There is no support for tuition fees.
- Only for “first-time arrivals”: non-French national students who never lived in France
- Being 30 years old or less
- The student should not have stopped his/her studies during more than 2 years.
- Studies must take place at the University of Paris-Sud
IMPORTANT: for students entering in the first year of the programme, the renewal of the Paris-Saclay scholarship for the second year will be subject to conditions.
For more information, visit SERP-Chem Master Programme.