Deadline: July 20, 2018
The AU-Korea Short Term Training Programme 2018 is now open for applications. Within the framework of AU-Korea Cooperation, the Government of the Republic of Korea has made training offers to the AFRICAN UNION through the African Union Commission Department of Human Resources, Science and Technology (HRST).
A short-term training course of 2 weeks in ‘Trade Facilitation through Modernization of Administration in Customs’ will be offered from 2nd – 15th September 2018 in Cheonan and Seongnam, South Korea. The Language of Instruction will be in English.
- The training is intended to policymakers, diplomats, director-level government officials and technical staff from AU Member States and Regional Economic Communities (RECs).
- Candidates from Member States where the Republic of Korea has diplomatic or Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) presence are encouraged to apply.
To be eligible, candidates must:
- Be nominated by his/her government;
- Be in good health both physically and mentally, enough to take the course;
- Have not participated in the same or similar KOICA fellowship program for the past 3 years-unless otherwise specified;
- Have not attended capacity building seminars hosted by the Korea Customs Service (including CBCTI) for the last 5 years;
- Have worked as a customs official at organizations directly related to customs administration for 5 years or more;
- Engage in the customs field related to the topics of the program contents;
- Sufficient proficiency in written and spoken English to actively participate in seminars and write an Action Plan;
- Have a willingness to show a high level of participation and commitment throughout the course and contribute to the capacity building of his/her organization after the completion of the program;
- Be a government employee in a managerial position
- Working knowledge of computers and PowerPoint software
Applications must be submitted to HRST Department of the AU Commission with a cover letter stating motivation for applying and be accompanied with the following:
- Curriculum Vitae including education and work experience;
- Certified copies of Passport or national Identity Card indicating citizenship;
- Reference Letter signed by a Minister or Executive Secretary of a REC.
To be eligible, a candidate must provide a support letter signed by a Minister from her/his country or by an Executive Secretary of the respective REC.
Application documents must be sent by post to the address below.
Department of Human Resources,
Science and Technology African Union Commission
P.O. Box 3243, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
For more information, visit AU-Korea.