Deadline: June 21, 2021
Applications are open for the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science South African National Programme 2021. The third edition of the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science South African National Programme aims to promote and encourage young women in science.
This programme identifies and rewards talented young female scientists in the field of Formal sciences, Life sciences, Environmental sciences, Physical sciences, Engineering and Technological sciences. The L’Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science programme launched in the Africa region in 2010. In line with their vision of supporting more female scientists across Africa, there are now two dedicated programmes for Africa:
- A national programme dedicated to South Africa.
- The regional sub-Saharan Africa programme supporting the 48 other countries of the region.
There are seven research grants:
- Candidates in the Doctoral category receive a research grant of R80,000 each;
- Candidates in the Post-doctoral category receives a research grant of R160,000 each;
- The research grants are non-renewable and may be combined with other allowances, including other donations, awards, salaries other research grants.
- South African Citizenship;
- Be enrolled in a South Africa university and carrying out their doctorate in a research laboratory in one of the 9 Provinces;
- Conducting research in one of the listed scientific fields.
- South African Citizenship;
- Be enrolled in post-doctorate in a research laboratory or an institution in one of the 9 provinces
- Conducting research in one of the listed scientific fields.
- Having started the post-doctorate before the opening date of the call for applications.
Candidates who have already been supported by one of the national or regional L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science program are not eligible.
Selection Criteria
- The candidate’s outstanding academic records- including number, quality and impact of the publications (impact factors to be submitted)
- Conference presentations and patents
- The scientific quality of the research project
- The innovative nature and productivity of the research and its potential application in science
An application is only considered complete when it includes all the following documents:
- A detailed CV of 1 to 2 pages maximum including training, dissemination actions, commitments of the candidate, etc.
- Copies of diplomas or certificates obtained from the license in their original language.
- A summary of research work in 200 words maximum (intended for a panel of scientific experts).
- A detailed description of the research work of 2 pages maximum, including the references (Text justified, Times New Roman font, size 12 with single spacing).
- An estimated budget detailing the expenditure envisaged to support the coherence and realism of the research work. This budget must not exceed R80 000 for doctoral students and R160 000 for post-doctoral researchers (in the form of a table with projected expenses). If the estimated budget is less than the amount allocated, the excess may be spent after the year following the Prize (there is no limited time for its use).
- At least two letters of recommendation, each assessing the quality of the CV, the originality of the project and mentioning the relationship and human dimensions of the candidate.
- A list of the candidate’s publications (from the most recent to the oldest),
- For doctoral students: the 2 publications (article, patents, oral communications, posters, etc.) published or in the process of being published.
- For post-doctoral students: the 2 most important publications (scientific publications, patents, etc.)
For more information, visit L’Oréal-UNESCO.