Deadline: May 12, 2022
ASEFEdu is seeking up to 4 individuals to work jointly on reports under the theme “ASEM Higher Education Mapping: Working Towards the SDGs” in the 9th ASEF Regional Conference on Higher Education (ARC9) project.
The ASEF Regional Conference on Higher Education (ARC) is the “Official Dialogue Partner of the ASEM Education Ministers Meeting (ASEMME)” and the only bi-regional multi-stakeholder dialogue platform for university and student leaders, policy makers and ministers to discuss higher education issues and shape the education landscape in Asia and Europe. The 9th edition of ARC is taking place over two years, 2022/23 titled “ASEM Higher Education Mapping: Working Towards the SDGs.”
About the Research
The first year of the biannual project will include two research activities and focus on gathering evidence and mapping out 1) higher education policies in the 51 ASEM Partner countries and 2) practices of ASEM Universities. Two reports are envisioned in this phase:
- ASEM Higher Education Policies: Working Towards the SDGs
This report will explore the following questions, amongst others: To what extent are ASEM national higher education policies oriented towards the SDGs? How do ASEM higher education policies translate the global goals into local goals? Which mission of the universities are the most often targeted? What kind of policy tools are most often used to promote sustainable development in higher education? will be prepared by a group of individual researchers.
Inputs for the report will come from exploratory focus group discussions with stakeholders, and a survey distributed among the 51 ASEM Ministries responsible for Higher Education.
Both data collection activities will be organized by ASEFEdu.
- ASEM Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD)
This report will help showcase developments regarding Sustainable Development in the higher education sector, and help universities implement good practices in sustainability. The report is prepared in collaboration with the International Association of Universities (IAU) as an regional ASEM breakout report, based on IAU’s biannual Global Report on Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD).
Input to the report will come from the IAU HESD Global Survey.
The data collection activities will be organized by ASEFEdu.
- Applicants must be citizens of an ASEM Partner country;
- Have experience in quantitative and qualitative research;
- Expertise in the area of public policy or higher education policy and sustainable development.
Interested individuals should send
- the “Expression of Interest” document together with
- the CV demonstrating suitability.
by email to Ms Reka TOZSA, Senior Project Manager of ASEF Higher Education Program via [email protected] by Thursday, 12 May, 2022 latest by 23h59 GMT. Please direct your inquiries to Reka TOZSA as well.
For more information, visit ASEM.