Deadline: June 1, 2014
Young leaders who have keen interest in education are invited to nominate or apply for the WISE Learners’ Voice Program before the stipulated deadline. They will be invited to attend the WISE Summit in Doha from November 4 to 6, as well as a pre-Summit workshop that will start on November 2, and will be involved in year-long activities during the rest of 2014 and throughout 2015.
The 2014-15 WISE Learners’ Voice Program requires commitment to two residential sessions (10 days each). The first will take place January 3–15 in Doha, Qatar, and the second June 1–14 in Madrid, Spain (including travel days). Commitment is also required to other two-to-three-day.
WISE was established by Qatar Foundation in 2009 under the patronage of its Chairperson, Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser.
- Qatar Foundation will cover all fares and accommodation costs for the selected Learners.
- WISE Learners’ Voice brings the all-important views of students to the issue of rethinking education.
- The Program builds their communication, entrepreneurship, and leadership skills in order to ensure that decision-makers hear their views and that they are equipped to take on leading roles in their fields and in the world of education.
- The Program is based on the conviction that when students are co-creators of their learning environments they become active participants, invested collectively as stakeholders in their learning environment.
Eligibility and criteria:
- Participants must be between the ages of 18 and 25 on November 2, 2014.
- Participants must be available to travel to Doha, Qatar, and be able and willing to participate in the full WISE Learners’ Voice event beginning at 9:00 on November 2, 2014 and ending at 16:00 on November 6, 2014.
- Participants must be available to take part in two residential sessions (10 days each) January 3–15 in Doha, Qatar, and June 1–14 in Madrid, Spain (including travel days), as well as other two-to-three-day WISE Learners’ Voice activities throughout the year.
- Participants must be willing to contribute to online discussions prior to the event and to work with the WISE Team to prepare for a successful WISE Summit.
- Participants must be willing to continue their involvement with the WISE initiative following the WISE Summit and participate in other events and activities during the remainder of 2014 and throughout 2015 and beyond.
- All participants must hold a passport that is valid for at least 18 months following the WISE Summit to be held on November 4-6, 2014.
- All participants should be currently enrolled in (or recently graduated from) a course of study at a recognized college, university or training program.
- All participants should be able to demonstrate their engagement in wider social networks or communities of practice broadly associated with their studies and their professional interests.
- Participants should be able to demonstrate interest in education and other wider global development issues.
- Participants should be personable and able to work well in multicultural, multinational teams.
- Participants should be comfortable with presenting and speaking in public.
- All participants should be proficient in spoken and written English.
- All nominators and applicants must agree to respect all final participant selection decisions made by the WISE Team. No appeal or claim will be accepted.
Application process:
- Interest applicants who met the above criteria can nominate or apply here
Fore more information, you can download the official invitation here.