Deadline: August 1, 2014
Opportunity to Blog for the UN today! The Media and Youth Subcommittees are excited to announce a worldwide call for 8 bloggers (aged 18-32) for the 65th Annual UN DPI/NGO conference at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 27th – 29th August, 2014.
Conference Background
The Conference will focus on harnessing the strategies, expertise and resources across the broadest spectrum of civil society to move poverty eradication, sustainability, human rights and climate justice into the mainstream discourse, and spark sustained public demand for lasting political action in support of an ambitious outcome from the post-2015 sustainable development process. Details on the Conference can be found here.
The group selected will receive accreditation as bloggers for the Conference and will have the opportunity to meet and interview representatives from over 1,800 NGOs from all over the world; UN and government officials; UN agencies; corporations; civil society; educational, health and financial institutions; academics; private sector speakers from business and philanthropy, and others.
Selected conference blog posts will be shared on the official United Nations and DPI/NGO blogs.
Eligibility and Selection Process
- Any individual 18-32 years can apply to be a UN Blogger.
Application Procedure Applications must include: 1. A cover letter that:
- Expresses interest in covering this conference
- Explains how you plan to disseminate the information to peers, communities and beyond
- Lists any prior blogging experience
- Includes social media samples [Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.]
- Includes contact information including email, Skype address, and phone.
2. A resume
3. A minimum of 2 samples of writing that have been published in print or online
Email application and questions to: [email protected]
PLEASE NOTE: the UN is unable to provide financial support to those selected. All costs related to Conference attendance must be paid by guest or sponsoring organization.
For more information, download the Blogger Program Flyer or visit 65th UN DPI/NGO Conference.