Deadline: May 18, 2015
This is the final call for funding for 2015 Swedish Institute’s Creative Force Programme. The Creative Force programme provides funding for collaborative initiatives involving organisations in Sweden and in the regions specified below. Projects should aim to promote human rights, transparency and democracy with the aid of initiatives that use either culture or the media as a method for achieving change.
Two types of funding
- Seed funding is available for such purposes as small-scale projects, project start-ups and planning trips. There are two calls for seed funding per year. Projects must be completed and final reports submitted by 28 February 2016. The maximum amount that can be applied for is SEK 100,000.
- Collaborative Funding is intended for larger-scale initiatives. There is one call for funding per year.
Applicants may be Swedish civil society organisations, foundations, public sector agencies, private sector agencies or other professional actors. It is always the Swedish partner in a collaboration who is formally responsible for the application and legally accountable to the Swedish Institute.
Creative Force Africa aims to promote freedom of speech and the development of democratic structures, with particular emphasis on women’s rights. Projects may be carried out in Sweden and/or in one or more of the programme countries (Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe).
2. Creative Force Middle East and North Africa
Creative Force Middle East and North Africa aims to promote freedom of speech and the development of democratic structures, with particular emphasis on women’s rights. Projects may be carried out in Sweden and/or in one or more of the programme countries (Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen).
3. Creative Force Western Balkans and Turkey
The Creative Force Western Balkans and Turkey aims to promote freedom of speech and the development of democratic structures, with particular emphasis on women’s rights. It also aims at achieving stronger democracy, equitable and sustainable development and closer ties with the EU and its fundamental values. Projects may be carried out in Sweden or in one or more of the programme countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey).
4. Creative Force Eastern Europe
Creative Force Eastern Europe aims to promote freedom of speech and the development of democratic structures, with particular emphasis on women’s rights. Projects may be carried out in Sweden or in one or more of the programme countries (Belarus, Georgia, Moldavia and Ukraine).
Creative Force Russia aims to support freedom of speech, democratic structures and human rights by means of mutual learning processes and sustainable networks between actors in the fields of culture and the media in Sweden and in Russia. Projects may be carried out in Russia or in Sweden.
- Applications for each regional Creative Force programme are to be submitted via the online application form.
- Before registering the application, make sure you read the instructions carefully.
For more information on how to apply, visit Creative Force Programme.