Deadline: August 5, 2016
Applications are open for the UNESCO MGIEP’s TAGe. This is a discussion forum with the aim to mainstream the collective voice of the youth for inclusion in policy decision-making at the highest level. TAGe also forms an important part of the Conference and provides an opportunity to engage with the youth on the topic, allowing their voice to reach policy makers. The TAGe event expands the no protocol, town hall format discussion between distinguished experts and initiated youth with sophisticated social media campaigns and leading-edge ICT tools to facilitate fresh and insightful discussions and agreements.
UNESCO MGIEP is looking for 50 dynamic young people from around the world, and across multiple sectors, who are committed to building a more peaceful and sustainable world to participate in TAGe Delhi to share their views and opinions with decision-makers and experts working on Prevention of Violent Extremism through Education (PVE/E).
- UNESCO MGIEP will provide roundtrip air tickets between the participants nearest airport and New Delhi, as well as accommodation and meals. The sole and absolute discretion of travel sponsorship is with UNESCO MGIEP and the decisions made by UNESCO MGIEP is final.
- Limited number of participants will receive travel sponsorship; Priority will be given to applicants from developing countries and on the merit of application;
- Please note all participants receiving support are expected and responsible to bear some of the associated travel cost such as domestic transportation, visa application and traveler’s insurance.
- Applicants should be between ages 25 to 35;
- Are you engaged in PVE/E or related domain as an educator, trainer, practitioner, member of a non-Governmental organization, media professional, documentary filmmaker, private sector professional, policy maker, researcher, academic, or in any other capacity;
- Have success stories or innovative initiatives to share, and wish to contribute to the global conversation on Prevention of Violent Extremism through Education.
- Have good command of English/French, and be able to actively participate in conference discussion (starting with online discussion from July 18 2016).
For more information and application, visit UNESCO/MGIEP International Conference.